Was just testing my code earlier this morning, and found something I cannot seems to resolve.
My SKU class has a custom ID generator(assinged) to take a String:
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned', name: 'sku'
I created a SKU object with ID: "1234445" (Normally my SKU id is a mixture of dashes letters and numbers, but just for testing purposes I used a number as String)
Now whenever I try to do an SKU.get("1234445"), I get the following Error:
Provided id of the wrong type
Expected: class java.lang.String, got class java.lang.Long
Obviously I provided a String, somehow it's treating it as a Long when .get is performed, hence causing the error.
Any ideas on how to resolve this besides not using a String that looks like a number for SKU.id (Sku.sku in my case)?
Use String id
instead of String sku
, if want to use SKU.get("123445")
class SKU {
String id
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned'
def newSku = new SKU()
newSku.id = '123445'
newSku.save(flush: true)
println SKU.get("123445")
If you need to use sku
specifically as the identifier then use
with the mapping you have right now (as mentioned in the question).