With scanf
one is allowed to skip matched tokens, simply adding *
to the pattern, as in:
int first, second;
scanf("%d %*s %d", &first, &second);
Is there any equivalent approach with std::cin
? Something like (of course, sparing the usage of additional variables):
int first, second;
std::cin >> first >> `std::skip` >> second;
It's not a simple task for input streams in C++ to do same thing. Function scanf
gets all expected format: "%d %*s %d"
and can look ahead to determine what's going on.
On the other hand, operator >>
just tries to satisfy current entry parameter.
You have chances to write you own istream manipulator to eat inputs until reaching a digit.
Try this my naive code:
template<typename C, typename T>
basic_istream<C, T>&
eat_until_digit(basic_istream<C, T>& in)
const ctype<C>& ct = use_facet <ctype<C>> (in.getloc());
basic_streambuf<C, T>* sb = in.rdbuf();
int c = sb->sgetc();
while (c != T::eof() && !ct.is(ctype_base::digit, c))
c = sb->snextc();
if (c == T::eof())
return in;
int main()
int first, second;
cin >> first >> eat_until_digit >> second;
cout << first << " : " << second << endl;
You can extend and improve above code to achieve what you need.