How can i select the increment on a for loop depending on a boolean,i am trying to do something like this:
for (int y = iniY; isdown? (y >= endY): (y <= iniY+dy) ; isdown? --y:y++);
the for loop accepts the termination but not the increment...
The working code i currently have is something like this:
for (int y = iniY; y >= endY; --y) {
code lines...
for (int y = iniY; y <= iniY+dy; ++y) {
code lines...
the code can not be extracted to a new method because it works on many variables...
Similar to minitech's solution but without a branch inside the loop.
int end = isdown ? iniY - endY : dy;
int direction = isdown ? -1 : +1;
for(int i = 0; i <= end; i++) {
int y = iniY + direction * i;