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Integer division, or float multiplication?

If one has to calculate a fraction of a given int value, say:

int j = 78;
int i = 5* j / 4;

Is this faster than doing:

int i = 1.25*j; // ?

If it is, is there a conversion factor one could use to decide which to use, as in how many int divisions can be done in the same time a one float multiplication?

Edit: I think the comments make it clear that the floating point math will be slower, but the question is, by how much? If I need to replace each float multiplication by N int divisions, for what N will this not be worth it anymore?


  • You've said all the values are dynamic, which makes a difference. For the specific values 5 * j / 4, the integer operations are going to be blindingly fast, because pretty much the worst case is that the compiler optimises them to two shifts and one addition, plus some messing around to cope with the possibility that j is negative. If the CPU can do better (single-cycle integer multiplication or whatever) then the compiler typically knows about it. The limits of compilers' abilities to optimize this kind of thing basically come when you're compiling for a wide family of CPUs (generating lowest-common-denominator ARM code, for example), where the compiler doesn't really know much about the hardware and therefore can't always make good choices.

    I suppose that if a and b are fixed for a while (but not known at compile time), then it's possible that computing k = double(a) / b once and then int(k * x) for many different values of x, might be faster than computing a * x / b for many different values of x. I wouldn't count on it.

    If all the values vary each time, then it seems unlikely that the floating-point division to compute the 1.25, followed by floating-point multiplication, is going to be any faster than the integer multiplication followed by integer division. But you never know, test it.

    It's not really possible to give simple relative timings for this on modern processors, it really depends a lot on the surrounding code. The main costs in your code often aren't the "actual" ops: it's "invisible" stuff like instruction pipelines stalling on dependencies, or spilling registers to stack, or function call overhead. Whether or not the function that does this work can be inlined might easily make more difference than how the function actually does it. As far as definitive statements of performance are concerned you can basically test real code or shut up. But the chances are that if your values start as integers, doing integer ops on them is going to be faster than converting to double and doing a similar number of double ops.