When debugging or Quality Checking an Excel report at work I have found that the problem was because of text being hard coded inside a formula. I have heard this as being a Constant and Formula mixed cell.
Here are examples of what I see.
Constant =100
Constant =Facility
Formula cell =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(5,MATCH($A7&$B7&C$2,Data!$4:$4,0),,,$A$2))
Mixed cell =INDIRECT("Data!"&ADDRESS(5,MATCH($A7&$B7&C$2,Data!$4:$4,0)))
is the Constant in the mixed cell, in this case the sheet name. If that sheet name ever changed, the formula would break. I have found and am using two conditional formats to highlight cells that are Constants and those that are formulas using this "Identify formulas using Conditional Formatting". I need to come up with a way to format those cells which contain these Constants inside of formulas.
I have found this question and tried using =IF(COUNT(SEARCH(CHAR(34),A1,1)),TRUE,FALSE)
and FIND()
to see if I could check if a cell had double quotes inside of it, but the SEARCH() returns FALSE
since it is looking at the cells value and not it's contents. It returns TRUE
if the cell contains "Constant"
but if it is a formula it returns FALSE
, such as if the cell contains ="Constant"
How can I find Constants inside formulas across a whole worksheet or workbook?
Thanks to Sidd's code below I have made a function in a module I can use in conditional formatting to at least highlight cells that contain quotes inside the cells.
Function FormulaHasQuotes(aCell)
If InStr(1, aCell.Formula, """") Then
FormulaHasQuotes = True
FormulaHasQuotes = False
End If
End Function
Let's say your sheet looks like this.
Is this what you are trying?
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim aCell As Range, FRange As Range
'~~> Set this to the relevant sheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
With ws
'~~> Find all the cells which have formula
On Error Resume Next
Set FRange = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not FRange Is Nothing Then
'~~> Check for " in the cell's formula
For Each aCell In FRange
If InStr(1, aCell.Formula, """") Then
Debug.Print "Cell " & aCell.Address; " has a constant"
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
When you run the above code, you get this output
Cell $A$2 has a constant
Cell $A$5 has a constant
Note: I have shown you how to do it for a sheet, i am sure you can replicate it for all sheets in a workbook?