I have the following for loop in bash that creates loop devices in a chrooted directory.
for var in 0 1 2 3 .. 7
MAKEDEV -d ${CHROOT}/dev -x loop$var
This didn't work for me as after it creates loop3 it takes .. literally and tries to create loop.. and fails. However according to this tutorial it should have worked. I got it to work by doing the following:
for (( var=0; var<=7; var++ ))
MAKEDEV -d ${CHROOT}/dev -x loop$var
I still want to know why the for loop I tried first didn't work. Please help.
I think you are reading the tutorial too literally. The turorial does say
for VARIABLE in 1 2 3 4 5 .. N
but taken literally this is not correct bash syntax - I think the author is simply trying to say that for this kind of for loop you need to explicitly list out all values you need to iterate over. So in your case this would be:
for var in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The tutorial also mentions brace expansion, which @glennjackman gives in his answer which is also entirely correct syntax.