I want an easy to use API from cglib or some wrapper class to achieve the following class transformation, so that while I use the class without any proxy involved.
public class SomeProcess extends SomeProcessBase implements Serializable {
public void start() {
//do some business logics
After class has been transformed, I expect it would be like this:
public class SomeProcess extends SomeProcessBase implements Serializable {
public void start() {
Executor.execute(new Executable() {
public void execute() {
//do some business logics
So while I want to call someProcess.start, i can directly use the following code:
SomeProcess process = new SomeProcess();
Other than
SomeProcess process = new SomeProcess();
SomeProcess processProxy = Proxy.wrapper(process);
You can use javassist http://www.csg.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~chiba/javassist/tutorial/tutorial.html to change a class on the fly. Something like this:
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass sp = pool.get("SomeProcess");
for (CtMethod m : sp.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (m.hasAnnotation(ToBeTransformed.class)) {
String body = // create new body