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Open File Dialog ... Value does not fall within the expected range

I am trying to use the openFileDialog, it was working up until this morning when I made what I thought was a simple change....

I changed the Filter and Initial Directory properties from hardcoded strings to application settings and this is where the error comes in. From what I can tell everything should be fine... Ill post the new and old code....


    private void btnOpenFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog ofDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        ofDialog.Filter = Properties.Settings.Default.openFileFilter;
        ofDialog.FilterIndex = 3;
        ofDialog.Multiselect = false;
        ofDialog.InitialDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.openFileInitialDirectory;

        bool? fileSelected = ofDialog.ShowDialog();

        if(fileSelected == true)
            selectedFileTxtBx.Text = ofDialog.FileName;

Application Settings

 Properties.Settings.Default.openFileFilter; = Exe (.exe)|*.exe|MSI (.msi)|*.msi| All (*.*)|*.*
 Properties.Settings.Default.openFileInitialDirectory; = \\\\UNC\\PATH

Old Code

    private void btnOpenFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog ofDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        ofDialog.Filter = "Exe (.exe)|*.exe|MSI (.msi)|*.msi| All (*.*)|*.*";
        ofDialog.FilterIndex = 3;
        ofDialog.Multiselect = false;
        ofDialog.InitialDirectory = "\\\\UNC\\PATH";

        bool? fileSelected = ofDialog.ShowDialog();

        if(fileSelected == true)
            selectedFileTxtBx.Text = ofDialog.FileName;


  • If memory serves correctly, Properties.Settings.Default.openFileInitialDirectory should actually just be set to \\UNC\PATH, as the string will already be escaped.