I was also wondering about the possibility of wrapping OpenCV's C++ interface in C and then wrapping that in Lisp so I could add all the C++ functionality as well to my cl-opencv wrapper because I would like to make it complete.... Also wondered if I do that, can I use the C++ wrapper with the C wrapper in lisp ....if it is possible if you could show me a quick example program, like an open window and show a picture function, only in c and c++ together ....like using cv::namedWindow instead of cvNamedWindow and all the other parts being c .....here is my attempt the program below runs when i use cv::namedWindow only but fails with
shape.cpp:37:32: error: invalid initialization of
reference of type ‘cv::InputArray {aka const cv::_InputArray&}’
from expression of type ‘IplImage* {aka _IplImage*}’In file included from
from shape.cpp:4:
/usr/local/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp:78:19: error:
in passing argument 2 of ‘void cv::imshow(const string&, cv::InputArray)’
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Thu Sep 26 21:18:00
when i add cv::imshow
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
CvCapture* capture =0;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
printf("Capture failure\n");
return -1;
IplImage* frame=0;
// cout << "colorModel = " << endl << " " << size << endl << endl;
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if(!frame) break;
cv::imshow("Video", frame );
//Wait 50mS
int c = cvWaitKey(10);
//If 'ESC' is pressed, break the loop
if((char)c==27 ) break;
cvDestroyAllWindows() ;
return 0;
I'd like to know if it would be doable...like be 100% sure before i start, that i could at least wrap every c++ function in c and wrap that with lisp..or if u think id run into snags in some places or even impossibilities.....and also would wrapping it twice make it slow? and id the c interface better/worse than the c++..or can i accomlish everything in the c interface that i can in c++
i ask this because in the swig and cffi documentation it says the c++ support is not complete.
oh yeah and i also tried running the above code with all these headers
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
and still get above error
From the OpenCV documentation, InputArray
a class that can be constructed from Mat, Mat_, Matx, std::vector, std::vector > or std::vector. It can also be constructed from a matrix expression.
You are trying to pass an IplImage
where an InputArray
is required and this is not allowed.
You could use
cvShowImage("Video", frame);
Or convert your IplImage
to a Mat
and pass that to imshow()
IplImage* frame;
// write to frame
// convert to cv::Mat and show the converted image
cv::Mat mat_frame(frame);
cv::imshow("Video", mat_frame)
Even better would be to not use IplImage at all, it is part of the legacy API. Mat is preferred.
cv::VideoCapture capture;
cv::Mat frame;
if (capture.isOpened()) {
while (true) {
capture >> frame;
if (!frame.empty()) {
cv::imshow("Video", frame);
int c = cv::waitKey(10);
if ((char) c == 27) {
In theory you could write wrappers for everything to allow calling from Lisp CFFI, but it is probably not worth the time and pain. I would code the OpenCV part of your application in C++ and then use C/CFFI to call that from Lisp.