I want to integrate the Specs2 test results with Jenkins. I understand that Specs2 will use JUnitXML Listener to generate test results.
I found the below link but didn't understand how to integrate JUnitXML listener to SBT.
I added the below resolver and the dependecy to build.sbt and its downloading.
"Christoph's Maven Repo" at "http://maven.henkelmann.eu/" "eu.henkelmann" % "junit_xml_listener" % "0.2"
But I didn't understand the below instructions(where to add) given in the above link:
//create a listener that writes to the normal output directory def junitXmlListener: TestReportListener = new JUnitXmlTestsListener(outputPath.toString)
//add the new listener to the already configured ones override def testListeners: Seq[TestReportListener] = super.testListeners ++ Seq(junitXmlListener)
Don't forget to import the listener: import eu.henkelmann.sbt.JUnitXmlTestsListener
Kindly help me in integrating the JUnitXML Listener with Spec2.
Best Regards,
You don't need the JUnit listener if you just want to generate the JUnit XML file. Just pass junitxml to the arguments:
sbt> testOnly *MySpec* -- console junitxml