Currently i use <a href="id1"></a>
with CSS :target to target the specific tag.
Is it possible to target multiple tags at the same time?
So that #id1 and id2 would be in target at the same time, eexample. ..index.html#id1#id2 (or something like this?)
You can use the :target selector to stylize multiple elements when you combine it with either a tag style or a class style.
<p><a href="#targetLink">Jump to New content 1</a></p>
<div id="targetLink">
<p>New content 1...</p>
<p>New content 2...</p>
:target p
border: 2px solid #D4D4D4;
background-color: #e5eecc;
Make a div or span your id target then use the target selector in combination with an element. The effect is that all <p>
inside of the element with id="targetLink"
will be given the style.
Get more control with classes like this JSFiddle:
<p><a href="#targetLink">Jump to New content 1</a></p>
<div id="targetLink">
<p class="here">New content 1...</p>
<p class="here">New content 2...</p>
<p>New content 3...</p>
:target .here
border: 2px solid #D4D4D4;
background-color: #e5eecc;
Again, make a div or span your id target then use the target selector in combination with a a class. The effect is that all all elements with class="here"
inside of the element with id="targetLink"
will be given the style.
Here is a neat tutorial to get a yellow fade using this technique.