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Comparing a long std_logic_vector to zeros

In simulation this works perfect. Is this is the best way of checking for zeros for a synthesisable code. What would be the resources generated?

signal vector_slv : std_logic_vector(2048 downto 0);
if (vector_slv = (vector_slv'range => '0')) then
  -- do something...

Is there any other optimal way to implement this solution considering h/w mapping (with optimal resource utilization).

I would be more interested in understanding the resources used.


  • There's no way that makes more or less sense for synthesis. Write the code that best expresses your intention.

    If you are comparing a vector for all zeros, the following should all produce the same results, or you should file a serious bug against the tool!

    signal vector_slv : std_logic_vector(2048 downto 0);
    constant zeros : std_logic_vector(vector_slv'range) := (others => '0');
    if vector_slv = (vector_slv'range => '0') then
      -- do something...
    if vector_slv = zeros then
      -- do something...
    if unsigned(vector_slv) = to_unsigned(0, vector_slv'length) then
      -- do something...

    and indeed for shorter vectors which fit in an integer:

    if intvar = 0 then

    will be exactly the same as any 32-bit vector comparison.

    (BTW, note there is no need for parentheses around the if condition - VHDL is not C :)