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C# .NET Why Stream.Seek is required when unzipping stream

I'm working on a project where I need the ability to unzip streams and byte arrays as well as zip them. I was running some unit tests that create the Zip from a stream and then unzip them and when I unzip them, the only way that DonNetZip sees them as a zip is if I run streamToZip.Seek(o,SeekOrigin.Begin) and streamToZip.Flush(). If I don't do this, I get the error "Cannot read Block, No data" on the ZipFile.Read(stream).

I was wondering if anyone could explain why that is. I've seen a few articles on using it to actually set the relative read position, but none that really explain why in this situation it is required.

Here is my Code:

Zipping the Object:

   public Stream ZipObject(Stream data)
        var output = new MemoryStream();
        using (var zip = new ZipFile())
            zip.AddEntry(Name, data);
            ZippedItem = output;

        return output;

Unzipping the Object:

 public List<Stream> UnZipObject(Stream data)
        ***FlushStream(data); // This is what I had to add in to make it work***

        using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(data))
            foreach (var item in zip)
                var newStream = new MemoryStream();
        return UnZippedItems;

Flush method I had to add:

    private static void FlushStream(Stream stream)
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);


  • When you return output from ZipObject, that stream is at the end - you've just written the data. You need to "rewind" it so that the data can then be read. Imagine you had a video cassette, and had just recorded a program - you'd need to rewind it before you watched it, right? It's exactly the same here.

    I would suggest doing this in ZipObject itself though - and I don't believe the Flush call is necessary. I'd personally use the Position property, too:

    public Stream ZipObject(Stream data)
        var output = new MemoryStream();
        using (var zip = new ZipFile())
            zip.AddEntry(Name, data);
        output.Position = 0;
        return output;