My company is having trouble figuring out the best way to manage our builds, releases, and branches... Our basic setup is we have 4 applications we maintain 2 WPF applications and 2 ASP.NET applications, all 4 of these applications share common libraries, so currently they are all in one folder /trunk/{app1, app2, app3, app4}.
This makes it very hard to branch/tag a single application because you are branching all 4 at the same time, so we would like to separate it out into something like {app1,app2,app3,app4}/{trunk,tags,branches} but then we run into the issue of where to put the shared libraries?
We can't put the shared libraries as SVN externals because then when you branch/tag the branch is still referencing the trunk shared libs instead of having them branched as well.
Any tips? Ideas?
We are currently using svn and
EDIT: The shared libraries are changing often as of right now, which is why we can't use them as svn externals to trunk, because we might be changing them in the branch. So we can't use them as binary references.
Its also very hard to test and debug when the libraries are statically built instead of including the source.
I guess it all depends on how stable the shared libraries are. My preference would be for the shared libraries to be treated as their own project, built in CruiseControl like the others. Then the four main applications would have binary references to the shared libraries.
The primary advantage with this approach is the stability of the applications now that the shared libraries are static. A change to the libraries wouldn't affect the applications until they explicitly updated the binaries to the newer version. Branching brings the binary references with it. You won't have the situation where a seemingly innocuous change breaks the other three applications.