Eclipse Kepler on Windows 7 Professional Subclipse 1.10.2 ( Subversion Client Adapter 1.10.0 ( Subversion JavaHL NLA 1.8.3 ( CollabNet Merge Client 4.0.1 (
This is a PHP project that should reside on \\WEBSERVER\testing\htdocs
(Ubuntu 12.04-LTS w/ Apache).
Trying to import the project from SVN by checking out, several undesirable things happen, the worst of which is that upon checkout completion, all the files sport a question mark and don't show SVN info (the project itself has [] instead of [reponame]).
If I try to "add to version control" (which I know is wrong, but bear with me) I get "SVN synchronization info has become corrupt or is missing". Committing gets "There is nothing to commit, you made no changes". Changing a file and committing gets the same answer.
Meanwhile, TortoiseSVN shows the folder as updated, can update, commit, delete etc. as advertised, and the file I just changed and that Eclipse said hasn't changed is shown by TSVN as having changed, as expected.
Moreover, Eclipse is disastrously sluggish in handling any operations - I guess that every time I click (almost) anywhere, it tries to check the whole SVN tree and stops responding for a couple of minutes.
Nothing like this happens to me on Linux. So I put my thinking cap on and guessed that the problem might lie in the UNC path syntax. I connected a network drive as T: from \\WEBSERVER\testing
, and lo and behold, everything worked flawlessly on the first attempt.
Yet, I found nothing on the docs saying I couldn't use a UNC as a path. Is this something I should have been aware of?