I am trying to generate a telerik report table dynamically. Actually, after lots of efforts besides surfing the web I have come to the following code which works fine but not presenting the desired output. Here is the code:
private void table1_ItemDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get data and bind it to the table
var processingTable = (sender as Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Table);
var data = GenerateTable(DomainClass.GetCurrentAsset());
if (processingTable != null) processingTable.DataSource = data;
// Better clear table before binding
HtmlTextBox txtGroup;
HtmlTextBox txtTable;
//int rowIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= data.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
var tableGroupColumn = new TableGroup();
table1.ColumnGroups.Add(item: tableGroupColumn);
txtGroup = new HtmlTextBox
Size = new SizeU(Unit.Inch(2.1), Unit.Inch(0.3)),
Value = data.Columns[i].ColumnName,
Style =
BorderStyle = { Default = BorderType.Solid },
BorderColor = { Default = Color.Black }
tableGroupColumn.ReportItem = txtGroup;
txtTable = new HtmlTextBox()
Size = new SizeU(Unit.Inch(2.2), Unit.Inch(0.3)),
Value = "=Fields." + data.Columns[i].ColumnName,
//Value = data.Rows[rowIndex][i].ToString(),
Style =
BorderStyle = { Default = BorderType.Solid },
BorderColor = { Default = Color.Black }
table1.Body.SetCellContent(0, columnIndex: i, item: txtTable);
table1.Items.AddRange(items: new ReportItemBase[] { txtTable, txtGroup });
Here is a picture of DataTable which contains the table data:
Finally, the current out put which is of course not what needed:
So the problem is; The Account_Price column does not display the Prices, though retrieved from the data store and can be seen in the data table picture above.
I have traced line by line of the code and could find out the prices as tracing the code. But I have no idea why they are not shown in the browser.
Hope any one could help me, Thank you very much
Apparently, this is a newer issue with the later Telerik reporting.
I found the answer in the Telerik forums here: http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/reporting/telerik-reporting/incorrect-dynamic-table-columns.aspx
Basically, you need to assign a unique name the TableGroup column:
TableGroup tableGroupColumn = new TableGroup();
//add this :
tableGroupColumn.Name = i.ToString();