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RAII and exception in constructor

Imagine that I have a job to do, which can be done in three different ways: a slow and painful, but failsafe way; the way with moderate suffering, given you have Resource1; and a quick and easy way, which requires both Resource1 and Resource2. Now, those resources are precious so I wrap them up into RAII-implementing ResNHolders and write something like this:

void DoTheJob(Logger& log/*, some other params */) {
    try {
        Res1Holder r1(/* arguments for creating resource #1 */);
        try {
            Res2Holder r2(/* arguments */);
            DoTheJobQuicklyAndEasily(log, r1, r2);
        catch (Res2InitializationException& e) {
            log.log("Can't obtain resource 2, that'll slowdown us a bit");
            DoTheJobWithModerateSuffering(log, r1);
    catch (Res1InitializationException& e) {
        log.log("Can't obtain resource 1, using fallback");

"DoTheJobXxx()" take references to Logger/ResNHolder, because they are non-copyable. Am I doing it too clumsily? Is there any other clever way to structurize the function?


  • I think your code would be just fine, but here is an alternative to consider:

    void DoTheJob(Logger &log/*,args*/)
        std::unique_ptr<Res1Holder> r1 = acquireRes1(/*args*/);
        if (!r1) {
            log.log("Can't acquire resource 1, using fallback");
        std::unique_ptr<Res2Holder> r2 = acquireRes2(/*args*/);
        if (!r2) {
            log.log("Can't acquire resource 2, that'll slow us down a bit.");

    Where the acquireRes functions return a null unique_ptr when the resource fails to initialize:

    std::unique_ptr<Res1Holder> acquireRes1()
      try {
        return std::unique_ptr<Res1Holder>(new Res1Holder());
      catch (Res1InitializationException& e) {
        return std::unique_ptr<Res1Holder>();
    std::unique_ptr<Res2Holder> acquireRes2()
      try {
        return std::unique_ptr<Res2Holder>(new Res2Holder());
      catch (Res2InitializationException& e) {
        return std::unique_ptr<Res2Holder>();