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Read data into double array with c++

here is my problem. i have some two dimensional data with changing dimensionality, that i want to read into an 2d-array of doubles. Furthermore, there are at some points not number in the file but "NaN"s, that i want to be replaced by a zero. I made my code working so far, but i only managed to read integers. Maybe you could help me out to read it as doubles?

Here is what i got so far:

void READER(char filepath [], int target [129][128])

    //----------------------------       header double & int

    int rowA = 0;
    int colA = 0;

    std::string line;
    std::string  x;

    std::cout << "reading file: " << filepath << "\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::ifstream fileIN;;

    if (!fileIN.good())
    std::cerr << "READING ERROR IN FILE: " << filepath << std::endl;

    while (fileIN.good())
        while (getline(fileIN, line))
            std::istringstream   streamA(line);
            colA = 0;
            while (streamA >> x)

                boost::algorithm::replace_all(x, "NaN", "0"); 

                boost::algorithm::replace_all(x, ",", "");            //. rein

                // std::cout << string_to_int(x) << std::endl;

                target [rowA][colA]   =  string_to_int(x);

            if(rowA%5 ==0)
                std::cout << "*";

    std::cout << " done." <<std::endl;


this writes the files into 'target'. The function string to int looks the following:

int string_to_int (const std::string& s)
    std::istringstream i(s);
    int x;
    if(!(i >> x))
        return 0;
    return x;


here you find some example data: enter image description here


  • "exactly, thats what i thought about doing with the line boost::algorithm::replace_all(x, ",", ""); by replacing , by ."

    Use following function to convert to any type, say double :-

    template <typename T>
      T StringToNumber ( const std::string &Text )
         std::istringstream ss(Text);
         T result;
         return ss >> result ? result : 0;

    Call using :

    boost::algorithm::replace_all(x, ",", ".");         // Change , to .
    std::cout << StringToNumber<double>(x) << std::endl;


    you can simply use boost::lexical_cast

    std::cout<<boost::lexical_cast<double>( x )<<std::endl;

    Make sure you have a double 2D array