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Fastest XPath expression for xsl:value-of

I have an XML document in the following format:

  <Content Name="ClientXML">
        <Data Name="EQ_EligibleForGuaranteedIssue">Yes</Data>
        <Data Name="ABRInd">NO</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_AgentNo">12345</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_AgentPersonallyMetWithApplicant">Has</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_City">Pomona</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_FirstName">Kimmy</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_FullName">Kimmy N Jackson</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_Initials">K J</Data>
        <Data Name="AC_LastAndSuf">Jackson</Data>
  <Content Name="UserXML">
        <Data Name="TransRefGUID">789-456-123456789-456</Data>

Other information:

  1. There can be several thousand 'Data' nodes under each 'EntityData' object
  2. The value of any 'Name' attribute is never duplicated.

I have to create an XSL transform and am using the xsl:value-of select="..." function. My question is, what XPath expression is going to execute the fastest? For example

<xsl:value-of select="\\Contents\Content[@Name="ClientXML"\EntityData\Data[@Name=".."]">

or simply

<xsl:value-of select="\\Data[@Name=".."]">

I don't have access to the end server which will eventually run this process, and locally the second option may appear to be a little faster.

Wondering if anyone has an opinion, and on a much larger scale if one may be faster.



  • Using keys in XSLT will be far faster than an XPath expression, especially one with // which can be very slow to execute and should only be used when necessary.

    <xsl:key match="Content" use="@Name" name="MyContentsLookup"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="key('MyContentsLookup','ClientXML')"/>

    An XSLT processor can implement internal search mechanisms to quickly look up a value in tens of thousands of entries, far faster than with XPath.

    I've published an overview of XSLT keys here: