How do I update an HSTORE
field with Flask-Admin?
The regular ModelView
doesn't show the HSTORE
field in Edit view. It shows nothing. No control at all. In list view, it shows a column with data in JSON notation. That's fine with me.
Using a custom ModelView
, I can change the HSTORE
field into a TextAreaField. This will show me the HSTORE field in JSON notation when in edit view. But I cannot edit/update it. In list view, it still shows me the object in JSON notation. Looks fine to me.
class MyView(ModelView):
form_overrides = dict(attributes=fields.TextAreaField)
When I attempt to save/edit the JSON, I receive this error:
InternalError: (InternalError) Unexpected end of string
LINE 1: UPDATE mytable SET attributes='{}' WHERE = ...
'UPDATE mytable SET attributes=%(attributes)s WHERE = %(mytable_id)s' {'attributes': u'{}', 'mytable_id': 14L}
Now -- using code, I can get something to save into the HSTORE field:
class MyView(ModelView):
form_overrides = dict(attributes=fields.TextAreaField)
def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
model.attributes = {"a": "1"}
This basically overrides the model and put this object into it. I can then see the object in the List view and the Edit view. Still not good enough -- I want to save/edit the object that the user typed in.
I tried to parse and save the content from the form into JSON and back out. This doesn't work:
class MyView(ModelView):
form_overrides = dict(attributes=fields.TextAreaField)
def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
x =['attributes']
y = json.loads(x)
model.attributes = y
json.loads(x) says this:
ValueError ValueError: Expecting property name: line 1 column 1 (char 1)
and here are some sample inputs that fail:
{u's': u'ff'}
However, this input works:
Blank also works
This is my SQL Table:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
attributes hstore
This is my SQA Model:
class MyTable(Base):
__tablename__ = u'mytable'
id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True)
attributes = Column(HSTORE)
Here is how I added the view's to the admin object
admin.add_view(ModelView(models.MyTable, db.session))
Add the view using a custom Model View
admin.add_view(MyView(models.MyTable, db.session))
But I don't do those views at the same time -- I get a Blueprint name collision error -- separate issue)
I also attempted to use a form field converter. I couldn't get it to actually hit the code.
class MyModelConverter(AdminModelConverter):
def post_process(self, form_class, info):
raise Exception('here I am') #but it never hits this
return form_class
class MyView(ModelView):
form_overrides = dict(attributes=fields.TextAreaField)
The answer gives you a bit more then asked
Fist of all it "extends" hstore to be able to store actually JSON, not just key-value So this structure is also OK:
So, first of all your ModelView should use custom converter
class ExtendedModelView(ModelView):
Converter itself should know how to use hstore
class CustomAdminConverter(AdminModelConverter):
def conv_HSTORE(self, field_args, **extra):
return DictToHstoreField(**field_args)
This one as you can see uses custom WTForms field which converts data in both directions:
class DictToHstoreField(TextAreaField):
def process_data(self, value):
if value is None:
value = {}
for key,obj in value.iteritems():
if (obj.startswith("{") and obj.endswith("}")) or (obj.startswith("[") and obj.endswith("]")):
pass #
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
if valuelist: = json.loads(valuelist[0])
for key,obj in
if isinstance(obj,dict) or isinstance(obj,list):[key]=json.dumps(obj)
if isinstance(obj,int):[key]=str(obj)
The final step will be to actual use this data in application
I did not make it in common nice way for SQLalchemy, since was used with flask-restful, so I have only adoption for flask-restful in one direction, but I think it's easy to get the idea from here and do the rest.
And if your case is simple key-value storage so nothing additionaly should be done, just use it as is. But if you want to unwrap JSON somewhere in code, it's simple like this whenever you use it, just wrap in function
if (value.startswith("{") and value.endswith("}")) or (value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]")):
Creating dynamical field for actual nice non-JSON way for editing of data also possible by extending FormField
and adding some javascript for adding/removing fields, but this is whole different story, in my case I needed actual json storage, with blackjack and lists :)