I am loading all the Rickshaw js files using requirej such that:
define([ "rickshaw","rickshaw/Rickshaw.Class","rickshaw/Rickshaw.Compact.ClassList","rickshaw/Rickshaw.Graph","rickshaw/Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer",
"rickshaw/Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y","rickshaw/Rickshaw.Series","rickshaw/extensions"], function() {
function draw(dObj, containerId, sliderId, timelineId, legendId) {
var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
element: document.getElementById(containerId),
renderer: 'area',
height: 400,
stroke: true,
series: dObj
var slider = new Rickshaw.Graph.RangeSlider({
graph: graph,
element: $(sliderId)
When I load the page I am getting this error:
TypeError: $super is not a function
Instead of having seperate js files, I merged all Rickshaw.... js into one file and now it works fine. Now the define method will have only one file reference.
define(["rickshaw"], function() {...});