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dynamically setting properties in uploadify

is it possible to add a new property to a previously declared object? Here is some code to clarify (with the uploadify jquery plugin):

        'uploader' : base_url + 'media/js/uploadify.swf',
        'script': base_url + 'post/uploadflash',
        'multi' : true,
        'queueID' : 'queue',
        'cancelImg' : base_url + '/media/images/cancel.png',
        'fileDesc' : 'Allowed Types: (*.jpg,*.png,*.gif)',
        'fileExt' : '*.jpg;*.JPG;*.gif;*.GIF;*.png;*.PNG',
        'queueSizeLimit' : 9,
        'sizeLimit': 1000000,
        'method' : 'GET',
        'buttonText' : 'Browse',
        'onComplete' : function(event, queue, obj, response, data){
            if(response =='false'){
                alert('Maximum number of images reached!');
                return false;
        'onError' : function(event,queue,file,error){
            alert('An error occured. No files were uploaded');

then do something like

   $('#featuredimageupload').uploadify({scripData : data})

I saw this done with jqgrid


  • I believe what you are looking for is this:

        var $upload = $("#featuredimageupload");
        $upload.uploadifySettings('scriptData', { key : value });
        $upload.uploadifyUpload(); // Triggers the upload to start.

    You can also get the current value by leaving the second parameter off:

    var currentSetting = $upload.uploadifySettings('scriptData');