I have a need to pull images repetitively from a .NET ASHX handler that follows the form http://domain.com/handler.ashx?id=013505 where the ID identifies the person whose image the handler should serve. I have to do this in a PeopleSoft application, so I am limited to what is delivered in PeopleCode for the most part, but can use a good amount of Java as well (though syntactically, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to a pure Java developer). What I've been able to do thus far
I'll be happy to post the code I'm using if anyone would find it helpful, but as I said, it's a "PeopleCode-ized" use of these Java classes, so it may not be meaningful to many. I'm really just looking for some general advice in Java of what else might be going wrong; I can translate it from there to try things in PeopleCode.
Just for prosperity's sake, since this will live on in perpetuity on "teh interwebs" here was the ultimate solution to my problem:
First off, the reason I was getting back the "blurb of HTML" I referenced was because the URL I was pointing to was doing a redirect to another server.
Once I got that figured out and pointed to the "real" server, I began receiving SSL Certificate trust errors. In this case, the server had an internal self-signed certificate. I tried simply installing that certificate on my PeopleSoft web server, and in PeopleSoft's Digitial Certificates library, but to no avail. I then moved on to plan B: forcing my PeopleCode/Java hybrid to use the Certificate itself.
For the most part, this post, helped me figure out what I needed to do. In general, these are the steps I took:
Hopefully someone in the future will find this helpful. Here's the full PeopleCode for reference (note, that this is just test code I tied to a button a page's FieldChange event):
Local JavaObject &joCertString, &joUrl, &joUrlConnection, &joInputStream, &joImageIO, &joBufferedImage, &joFile;
Local JavaObject &joCertificateFactoryClass, &joCertificateFactory, &joCertInputStream, &joCertificate;
Local JavaObject &joKeystoreClass, &joKeystore, &joTrustManagerFactoryClass, &joTrustManagerFactory;
Local JavaObject &joSSLContextClass, &joSSLContext, &joSSLFactory, &joCastObjectClass;
Local any &anyFileData;
Local Record &recTest;
Local string &sPhotosCert;
Local number &nPutResult;
/*Setup CertificateFactory*/
&sPhotosCert = GetHTMLText(HTML.PHOTOS_CERT);
&joCertString = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", &sPhotosCert);
&joCertificateFactoryClass = GetJavaClass("java.security.cert.CertificateFactory");
&joCertificateFactory = &joCertificateFactoryClass.getInstance("X.509");
&joCertInputStream = CreateJavaObject("java.io.ByteArrayInputStream", &joCertString.getBytes("UTF-8"));
&joCertificate = &joCertificateFactory.generateCertificate(&joCertInputStream);
/*Create Keystore*/
&joKeystoreClass = GetJavaClass("java.security.KeyStore");
&joKeystore = &joKeystoreClass.getInstance("JKS");
&joKeystore.load( Null, Null);
&joKeystore.setCertificateEntry("photos", &joCertificate);
/*Create TrustManagerFactory*/
&joTrustManagerFactoryClass = GetJavaClass("javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory");
&joTrustManagerFactory = &joTrustManagerFactoryClass.getInstance(&joTrustManagerFactoryClass.getDefaultAlgorithm());
/*Create SSLContext and get SSLSocketFactory*/
&joSSLContextClass = GetJavaClass("javax.net.ssl.SSLContext");
&joSSLContext = &joSSLContextClass.getInstance("TLS");
&joSSLContext.init( Null, &joTrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers(), Null);
&joSSLFactory = &joSSLContext.getSocketFactory();
/*Create URL*/
&joUrl = CreateJavaObject("java.net.URL", "https://domain.com/handler.ashx?id=123456");
/*Get URLConnection*/
&joUrlConnection = &joUrl.openConnection();
/*Cast to HttpsURLConnection*/
&joCastObjectClass = GetJavaClass("com.domain.CastObject");
&joUrlConnection = &joCastObjectClass.objectToHttpsURLConnection(&joUrlConnection);
/*Set connection properties*/
/*Get InputStream*/
&joInputStream = GetJavaClass("java.io.InputStream");
&joInputStream = &joUrlConnection.getInputStream();
/*Get Image From Stream*/
&joImageIO = GetJavaClass("javax.imageio.ImageIO");
&joBufferedImage = CreateJavaObject("java.awt.image.BufferedImage", 1, 1, 1);
&joBufferedImage = &joImageIO.read(&joInputStream);
/*Write Image to File*/
&joFile = CreateJavaObject("java.io.File", "/temp/URLImage2.jpg");
&joImageIO.write(&joBufferedImage, "jpg", &joFile);
/*Put the File into a PS record so we can get a BLOB of it*/
&nPutResult = PutAttachment("record://PSFILE_ATTDET", "013505.jpg", "/temp/URLImage2.jpg");
/*Grab that BLOB*/
/*Clean up the temp row we inserted*/
/*Setup an employee photo record*/
&recTest = CreateRecord(Record.EMPL_PHOTO);
&recTest.EMPLID.Value = "013505";
&recTest.PSIMAGEVER.Value = (Days365(Date3(1999, 12, 31), %Date) * 86400) + (%Time - Time3(0, 0, 0));
&recTest.EMPLOYEE_PHOTO.Value = &anyFileData;
/*Insert/Update the employee photo record*/