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Advanced query with kohana ORM

If you know my tables looks like these




How can I rewrite this query in Kohana ORM?

SELECT node.category_id,, COUNT("parent.category_id") - 1 AS depth
        FROM category AS parent, category AS node
        LEFT JOIN catinfo
            ON catinfo.category_id = node.category_id
        WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
        AND catinfo.lang_id = 1
        GROUP BY node.category_id
        HAVING depth <= 3
        ORDER BY node.lft

I don't have any clue how to start with it.


  • Better not write such a complex query with the ORM and just use the query builder or normal queries.

    The query will probably look something like this if you use the query builder:

        array(DB::expr('COUNT(`parent.category_id`) - 1'), 'depth')
        ->from(array('category', 'parent'), array('category', 'node'))
        ->join('catinfo', 'LEFT')
        ->on('catinfo.category_id', '=', 'node.category_id')
        ->where('node.lft', 'BETWEEN', array('parent.lft', 'parent.rgt'))
        ->and_where('catinfo.lang_id', '=', 1)
        ->having('depth', '<=', 3)