Search code examples

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to <Remote Business interface name>

I am using WAS server and I have written a java client to call one EJB through business interface as follows:

Hashtable<String, String> envJNDIProperties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
                        envJNDIProperties.put("javax.naming.factory.initial", "");
                        envJNDIProperties.put("java.naming.provider.url", "iiop://indmtx981:24121");
                        envJNDIProperties.put("", myTicket);
                        envJNDIProperties.put("", "NA");
                        envJNDIProperties.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass", "");

                        InitialContext initialCtx = new InitialContext(envJNDIProperties);

                        Object ejbObject = null;

* Giving me error in following line
SearchServicesRemoteBusiness remoteBusiness = (SearchServicesRemoteBusiness) initialCtx.lookup("amdocs-RM-Billing/CM-L1/SearchServicesBean!");

                        System.out.println("Got referencve for: "+ ejbObject.getClass().getName());
//                      SearchServicesRemoteBusiness remoteBusiness = (SearchServicesRemoteBusiness) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbObject,;

                        AccountIdInfo accountId = new AccountIdInfo();



java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to .SearchServicesRemoteBusiness at EJBStandaloneClient.main(

what i have tried: I use to create stub for this remote business interface and while running put this stub in client classpath, but error still exists. Any suggestion is welcome.


  • Problem was in my class path, i was giving the full class location of stub, rather i should not include package structure in the class path. For e.g i have created stub in directory x/y/z//stub.class . So we should use x/y/z in class path not x/y/z//stub.class .

    i corrected this and it is working fine :)