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Is there any possibility to Call Flex Methods from Java?

I have the following Problem: I would like to Sync Data from a SQL Database into my Flex Datagrid. ATM im using Flex to call a Java Method. As long my Java Method is working i have to wait. So far so good.

Now, I want to rebuild that to the following Logic: The Flex Application starts and does nothing. In the Background I want to start a Java Class who starts a Sync Method who is getting the Database Data every 5 seconds into a Arraylist. After getting the Data from the Java Class I want to cast from Java a Code like this:


to set the DB Content into my Flex Frontend.


  • you can call the java method from flex and coutinue to work. you will get back the control in flex to corresponding result handler , once the java method completes successfully. (or) you will get FaultEvent if there is any exception in the java method

    check for more details