I have an input field that works exactly as I want it to, however, I have numerous fields repeating this same code. Is it possible to call a JavaScript function and obtain the same results?
Here is my currently working html:
<input type="text" name="lname" value="Last Name" style="color:gray;"
onblur="if((this.value == 'Last Name') || (this.value == ''))
{this.value = 'Last Name'; this.style.color= 'gray';}
else {this.style.color= 'black';}"
onfocus="if((this.value == 'Last Name') || (this.value == ''))
{this.value = ''; this.style.color= 'gray';}
else {this.style.color= 'black';}"
onselect="this.style.color= 'black';"
onclick="this.style.color= 'black';"/>
But I was hoping to be able to do something like this:
<input type="text" name="lname" value="Last Name" style="color:gray;"
function onBlurAction()
if((this.value == 'Last Name') || (this.value == ''))
{this.value = 'Last Name'; this.style.color= 'gray';}
else {this.style.color= 'black';}
function onFocusAction....
In your function, this
refers to window
global variable, you should pass this
as an argument:
While the function(s) will be something like:
function onBlurAction(el)
if (el.value == 'Last Name' || el.value == '') {
el.value = 'Last Name';
el.style.color = 'gray';
} else {
el.style.color = 'black';
Another way is to not changing the function but use onblur
that way: