I need to read in each line from a text file, and sort it according to length first, and then it's position in the original document, before adding the lines to a linked list.
The contents of the list must then be printed out, line by line, with a prefix indicating which line number is being printed out, and how many non-space characters are on the line.
Below is a sample I/O:
Input (i.e. contents of text file)
1/1: a
2/2: is
3/4: this
4/4: just
5/4: test
Use Comparator to sort - first by length, then by line pos (get it from hashMap)using ternary operator .
how many non-space characters are on the line : split the line using "s+" . add the lengths of all the sub arrays using a for loop.
while printing from the arraylist, print count + nonSpaceChars in line + line .
Hope this will be sufficient