Thanks a lot for all the beautiful answers! Cannot mark just one as correct
Note: Already a wiki
I am new to functional programming and while I can read simple functions in Functional programming, for e.g. computing the factorial of a number, I am finding it hard to read big functions.
Part of the reason is I think because of my inability to figure out the smaller blocks of code within a function definition and also partly because it is becoming difficult for me to match ( )
in code.
It would be great if someone could walk me through reading some code and give me some tips on how to quickly decipher some code.
Note: I can understand this code if I stare at it for 10 minutes, but I doubt if this same code had been written in Java, it would take me 10 minutes. So, I think to feel comfortable in Lisp style code, I must do it faster
Note: I know this is a subjective question. And I am not seeking any provably correct answer here. Just comments on how you go about reading this code, would be welcome and highly helpful
(defn concat
([] (lazy-seq nil))
([x] (lazy-seq x))
([x y]
(let [s (seq x)]
(if s
(if (chunked-seq? s)
(chunk-cons (chunk-first s) (concat (chunk-rest s) y))
(cons (first s) (concat (rest s) y)))
([x y & zs]
(let [cat (fn cat [xys zs]
(let [xys (seq xys)]
(if xys
(if (chunked-seq? xys)
(chunk-cons (chunk-first xys)
(cat (chunk-rest xys) zs))
(cons (first xys) (cat (rest xys) zs)))
(when zs
(cat (first zs) (next zs)))))))]
(cat (concat x y) zs))))
Lisp code, in particular, is even harder to read than other functional languages because of the regular syntax. Wojciech gives a good answer for improving your semantic understanding. Here is some help on syntax.
First, when reading code, don't worry about parentheses. Worry about indentation. The general rule is that things at the same indent level are related. So:
(if (chunked-seq? s)
(chunk-cons (chunk-first s) (concat (chunk-rest s) y))
(cons (first s) (concat (rest s) y)))
Second, if you can't fit everything on one line, indent the next line a small amount. This is almost always two spaces:
(defn concat
([] (lazy-seq nil)) ; these two fit
([x] (lazy-seq x)) ; so no wrapping
([x y] ; but here
(lazy-seq ; (lazy-seq indents two spaces
(let [s (seq x)] ; as does (let [s (seq x)]
Third, if multiple arguments to a function can't fit on a single line, line up the second, third, etc arguments underneath the first's starting parenthesis. Many macros have a similar rule with variations to allow the important parts to appear first.
; fits on one line
(chunk-cons (chunk-first s) (concat (chunk-rest s) y))
; has to wrap: line up (cat ...) underneath first ( of (chunk-first xys)
(chunk-cons (chunk-first xys)
(cat (chunk-rest xys) zs))
; if you write a C-for macro, put the first three arguments on one line
; then the rest indented two spaces
(c-for (i 0) (< i 100) (add1 i)
(get-your (side-effects!) here))
These rules help you find blocks within the code: if you see
(chunk-cons (chunk-first s)
Don't count parentheses! Check the next line:
(chunk-cons (chunk-first s)
(concat (chunk-rest s) y))
You know that the first line is not a complete expression because the next line is indented beneath it.
If you see the defn concat
from above, you know you have three blocks, because there are three things on the same level. But everything below the third line is indented beneath it, so the rest belongs to that third block.
Here is a style guide for Scheme. I don't know Clojure, but most of the rules should be the same since none of the other Lisps vary much.