I am using TinyMCE editor.Everything I write inside the editor is placed in p tag. But when I click the equation tool from toolbars,a dynamically span having class AMedit is created inside the p tag.My question is how to do some stuff or more simple just alert something when I focus the newly created span.Remember that the this span is contenteditable and also the whole editor comes from an Iframe.
Please have a look at the following link.
I have written the following code but id does not work for me.What is the error in my code.
var span = $("#elm1_ifr").contents().find("span.AMedit");
var canPressEnter = true;
span.on("focus", function(){
canPressEnter = false;
}).on("keypress", function(e){
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (canPressEnter === false && code === 13)
}).on("blur", function(){
canPressEnter = true;
Please anyone can explain with a simple example.
I understand your problem better with the beyondthelogix.com link.
TinyMCE editor changes the class of the span from AM
to AMedit
. The solution I think about is to have a setInterval listening for that class change. I wrapped my code in a .ready() function.
Try this:
Add a line here:
theme : "advanced",
mode: "exact",
elements : "elm1",
oninit: function() { loadlistener(); }, //add this line to run the next code under
setup : function(ed) {
and add this somewhere in the page:
var amedit = false;
function loadlistener() {
$("#elm1_ifr").contents().keydown(function (e) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (code == 13 && amedit) {
return false;
var p_parent = $("#elm1_ifr").contents().find("p");
setInterval(function () {
if (p_parent.find('span').length && p_parent.find('span').hasClass('AMedit')) {
amedit = true;
} else {
amedit = false;
}, 200)