I am trying to wrap my brain around swing workers in general, but at the moment I am having difficulty even implementing them. I tried this in a separate class but got an error, but am still getting the error now that I have modeled it after some code I found online. The error I am getting is that it "is abstract and does not override abstract method doInBackground() in SwingWorker".
SwingWorker zoomWorker = new SwingWorker() {
public Integer[] doInBackground(int quadrant, boolean zoomed) {
Integer[] zoomData = new Integer[4];
return zoomData;
Any help would be appreciated - I have read tons of tutorials but get lost in the rhetoric.
First write a concrete class extending SwingWorker
so that the arguments can be passed in.
Declare the first parameter type for the SwingWorker
to match the return type of doInBackground
. Use publish
to notify the EDT
of intermediate and completed results
class MyWorker extends SwingWorker<Integer[], String> {
private int quadrant;
private boolean zoomed;
public MyWorker(int quadrant, boolean zoomed) {
this.quadrant = quadrant;
this.zoomed = zoomed;
protected Integer[] doInBackground() throws Exception {
Integer[] zoomData = new Integer[4];
// use quadrant && zoomData...
publish("Intermediate data...");
return zoomData;