Inspired by Stephen Ostermiller's answer to my question here:, I found here: Is it possible to use javascript to change the meta-tags of the page? this snippet of code:
$('head').append('<meta name="description" content="Find and optionally acquire all current and past Hugo award winning books">');
Unfortunately, on adding this code to the appropriate place (where the Hugo awards are loaded into the page), when I run the new version of the site and choose "View Page Source", I still see the same old description:
<meta name="description" content="Find and optionally acquire all current and past book, movie, and music award winners, such as Pulitzers for books, Oscars/Academy Awards for movies, and Grammies for music, as well as many other awards" />
(and it is not at the end of all the meta tags, as I would expect it to be if my code worked).
What am I doing wrong or missing here?
If you just want to change the description it'd be more straight forward to do this
$('meta[name="description"]').attr('content','new content');
I hope that's what you're looking for.