I have cloning and doing appendTo to an empty area on the page. Once the new item is on the DOM, I need to do some manipulation to the newly added item.
Here is the crazy > long jquery selector string I have.
$("#listParticipat.jsParticipantRepeat ").clone().appendTo(".jsParticipantPlaceHolder").attr('recid', custIDNum).removeClass("jsParticipantRepeat" ).removeAttr( "id" );
What I would like to do is to the appendTo then store the newly added item in a VAR and then do other tasks. How can I grab the newly added item with something like:
var newItem = $("#listParticipat.jsParticipantRepeat ").clone().appendTo(".jsParticipantPlaceHolder"); //--does not work
You should clone, manipulate, then append.
// clone
var elem = $("#listParticipat.jsParticipantRepeat ").clone();
// your manipulation code here
$(elem).attr('recid', custIDNum);
$(elem).removeAttr( "id" );
// then append