I'm having trouble building a view model that is composed of some data from the server and some added manually.
I keep getting that m() is undefined from the code below: JSFiddle
function getServerData()
var m =
return m;
var entity = getServerData();
var vm =
m: ko.mapping.fromJS(entity),
x: ko.observable("additional prop")
I'm trying to bind it as follows:
<input data-bind="value: x()" />
<input data-bind="value: m().FlowID" />
<input data-bind="value: m().Amount" />
The mapping plugin does not turn your object into an observable only its properties.
So after the ko.mapping.fromJS(entity)
call m
won't be a ko.observable
So you just need to write:
<input data-bind="value: m.FlowID" />
<input data-bind="value: m.Amount" />
Demo JSFiddle.
If you want to make your original binding work, then you need to change your vm
var vm =
m: ko.observable(ko.mapping.fromJS(entity)),
x: ko.observable("additional prop")