i'm setting up an environment to debug coffeescript file. I'm using an IDE, webstorm, that genrates both .js file and .map from original .coffee file, from coffeescript default compiler.
So I endup with 4 files all in same folder:
main.html, aa.coffee, aa.js, aa.map. in main.html I include the js file. The JS files contains:
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
var my;
my = 1;
//@ sourceMappingURL=aa.map
Very simple. When loading main.html it correctly popup the alert. Now when I open google dev tools / source, where I see the tree of my files, I see the html file and the js file. But it's IMPOSSIBLE to have the .coffee file appear, although correctly referenced as you can see above. Of course, I did enable sourcemap in dev tools settings. I wathed several video tutorial and I did all step for the coffee file to appear.
Here is content of the 2 other files:
the .coffee :
my = 1
alert my
the .map:
"version": 3,
"file": "aa.js",
"sourceRoot": "",
"sources": [
"names": [],
Do you have an idea why the source map process doesn't work on chrome dev tools ?
edit: I've now changed my mind on all this and don't use source-map debugging at all. First, it was generally flaky. Second, if I'm not writing JS I should at least be able to read it so I always debug in js.
First, keep in mind that source map debugging is flaky in Chrome right now. A couple things you can try:
Put a debugger statement in your code. I've noticed that the debug is very flaky -- about 10% of the time it just won't stop on breakpoints.
Open the coffee file directly by pressing Ctrl O in the sources pane then place breakpoints or use debugger statements.
Figure out why "sourceRoot": "",
is empty. It's possible that that just means that the source file will be in the same directory as the js file (seems likely). My coffee files are in a different directory so they have a sourceRoot entry.
Generate the source maps with grunt or coffeescript. This seems unlikely to have an effect though.
I'm betting #2 will do it.