i implemented this javascript that let's you zoom in and out an image into a fixed width div with overflow hidden. i initially implemented it with two simple buttons (increase/decrease) that, onclick, would increase or decrease the width of the contained image.
what i would like to do now is to substitute the buttons with the vertical jquery ui slider but i don't how to do it.
here's my starting point: http://jsfiddle.net/omegaiori/QWfHE/embedded/result/
basically the zoom in/out properties are obtained by this code:
function zoomIn() {
var imgElem = jQuery(".image");
width = width*1.1;
height = height*1.1;
imgElem.css({"width": width + "px", "height": height + "px"});
imgElem.draggable("option", {"axis": false, "containment": false}).draggable("enable");
function zoomOut() {
var imgElem = jQuery(".image");
width = width/1.1;
height = height/1.1;
imgElem.css({"width": width + "px", "height": height + "px"});
imgElem.draggable("option", {"axis": false, "containment": false}).draggable("enable");
can anybody help?? that would be so cool :) thanks in advance
http://jsfiddle.net/bhilleli/QWfHE/1/ Your example was almost there. Just use this as your slide function:
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var prevVal=$( "#amount" ).val();
var newVal=ui.value;
if (prevVal>newVal) {
} else {
$( "#amount" ).val( ui.value );