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Images as radio button

I'm trying to achieve this but it doesn't work.

Here it is the CSS sheet:

.input_hidden {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;

.selected {
    background-color: #000000;

#carte label {
    border: inline-block;
    cursor: pointer;

#carte label img {
    padding: 3px;

the HTML part:

<div id="carte">
    Select a card:<BR>
    <input type=radio name="carte" id="cart1" class='input_hidden' />
    <label for="cart1">
       <img src="cart1.jpg" alt="carte1" />
    <input type=radio name="carte" id="cart2" class='input_hidden' />
    <label for="cart2">
       <img src="cart1.jpg" alt="carte2" />
    <input type=radio name="carte" id="cart3" class='input_hidden' />
    <label for="cart3">
       <img src="cart3.jpg" alt="carte3" />

and the javascript:

$('#carte label').click(function(){

When I assign the selected class to an image it is ok, I see it with the black border. but it seems the javascript part to assign the class doesn't work. I there any other way to assign the correct classes to the images? Thanks for your support.


  • Are you sure you want to use jQuery?

    With sane browsers you can solve it with pure css:


    <div id="carte">
            <input type="radio" name="carte" value="cart1" >
            <img src="">


    label input + img {
      border: 10px solid transparent;
    label input:checked + img {
      border: 10px solid blue;

    Of course some javascript fallback will be necessary for IE8 and older.

    IE8 fix

    Updated CSS:

    label input.checked + img,
    label input:checked + img {
      border: 10px solid blue;

    JS fallback:

    if(/* this browser is IE8 or worse */){
          var $r = $(this).find('input');
          adjustRadio( $r.attr('name'), $r.val(), 'checked');
    function adjustRadio( name, value, className ){
      // wait for other event handlers to run
      setTimeout( function(){
        $('input[type="radio"][name="'+name+'"]').each( function(){
          var $r = $(this);
          $r.toggleClass( className, $r.val() === value );