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OpenTBS: How to dynamically change color of rows in a table

I use a table in docx file with the following rows:


In PHP, I use $TBS->MergeBlock('b', $data_1); which adds the content from the $data_1 array.

The question is, how can I dynamically control the text color in each row, e.g. if the name is "John", then mark it in red, otherwise use blue?


  • I can suggest two solutions.

    1) use conditional sections

    For this, use one row for each possibility:

    [b.num;block=w:tr;when '[]'='John'] (red)   []
    [b.num;block=w:tr;default]                (blue)  []

    2) change the color using parameter "att"

    In the celle of the row, when you apply a color to a part d the text, the inner XML is like this:

                <w:color w:val="FF0000"/>
              <w:t>this text is red</w:t>

    So you can prepare the cell by applying a apply any color in the template, and then use a field with parameter "att" to turn the value of the color.

    [;att=w:color#w:val;if [val]='John';then 'FF0000';else '548DD4']