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Use jQuery on HTML Select Menu for Birthday/Date of Birth format

I'm looking to have a standard HTML select menu for selecting your date of birth. Day, Month, Year. Can someone point me in the right direction to use jQuery to format the correct number of days in the month depending on what year / month is selected etc? Are there any plugins out there to achieve this, or how would I write this myself? Any advice would be appreciated.


  • basically you need three select boxes (day, month, year) with onchange events on year and month.

    changes on the year and month select box need to update the number of days because these depend on year and month. to calculate the number of days for a given month/year, this article will be helpful.

    working example JSFIDDLE


    <select id="days"></select>
    <select id="months"></select>
    <select id="years"></select>


    $(function() {
        //populate our years select box
        for (i = new Date().getFullYear(); i > 1900; i--){
            $('#years').append($('<option />').val(i).html(i));
        //populate our months select box
        for (i = 1; i < 13; i++){
            $('#months').append($('<option />').val(i).html(i));
        //populate our Days select box
        //"listen" for change events
        $('#years, #months').change(function(){
    //function to update the days based on the current values of month and year
    function updateNumberOfDays(){
        month = $('#months').val();
        year = $('#years').val();
        days = daysInMonth(month, year);
        for(i=1; i < days+1 ; i++){
                $('#days').append($('<option />').val(i).html(i));
    //helper function
    function daysInMonth(month, year) {
        return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();