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How to setup Grails and AngularJS partial templates

I am realizing a project using AngularJS for the front end, and Grails for the backend.

  • Angular JS => Single page application
  • Grails => REST API to be used in the WebApp itself and 3rd party apps.

This is how I setup the project:

   |_____ js ( angular controllers, modules, partial templates.)
   |_____ images
   |_____ css

   |_____ views ( in here I have my main view, the one I use at the first user request )

Rather than using the Resources Plugin, I prefer building my own front end with Grunt, and then I only link the final files inside the layout itself.

I structured the js folder in web-app to contain a partials folder with all the partial templates to be called within AngularJS

This is my pretty standard angular code to load the views:

angular.module('myapp', []).
  config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    .when('/invoices', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/invoices-list.html',   
        controller: InvoiceListCtrl
    .when('/invoices/:invoiceId', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/invoice-details.html', 
        controller: InvoiceDetailCtrl}
    .otherwise({redirectTo: '/dashboard'}, {
        templateUrl: 'partials/dashboard.html', 
        controller: DashboardCtrl

What happens is that Angular is unable to get those partial templates, since the partial folder is not copied in the tomcat work directory.

I don't know which other approach can be used for a Grails powered project.


  • I believe the issue is that the static resource is not descended from the default grails-app directory so you need to include the full path from the document root, e.g. templateUrl: '/partials/invoices-list.html',

    Here is my set up for ui-router:

      ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) ->
          .state('intro', {
            url: "/",
            templateUrl: '/templates/intro.html'