Search code examples

What is the correct syntax for comparing an attribute to the result of an aggregate selection in JPQL?

My JPQL Query is this:

SELECT blocked 
  FROM BlockedMessage blocked 
  JOIN blocked.resourceDescriptions resource 
 WHERE resource.description IN :resourceDescriptions 
   AND blocked.blockedSince = (SELECT MIN(inner.blockedSince) //error in this line
                                 FROM BlockedMessage inner 
                                 JOIN inner.resourceDescriptions innerResource 
                                WHERE innerResource = resource)

But OpenJPA 2.2.2 gives the error message:

<openjpa-2.2.2-r422266:1468616 nonfatal user error>
Encountered "blocked . blockedSince = ( SELECT MIN ( inner" 
at character 143, but expected: 

I didn't manage to figure out what is wrong using the JPQL language reference.


  • The problem with that query is that inner is a keyword. However the parser of OpenJPA isn't able to report the incorrect use of that keyword in inner.resourceDescriptions.

    The correct query is:

    SELECT blocked 
      FROM BlockedMessage blocked 
      JOIN blocked.resourceDescriptions resource 
     WHERE resource.description IN :resourceDescriptions 
       AND blocked.blockedSince <= ALL(SELECT MIN(innerBlocked.blockedSince) 
                                         FROM BlockedMessage innerBlocked 
                                         JOIN innerBlocked.resourceDescriptions innerResource 
                                        WHERE innerResource.description = resource.description)