I am developing an application which monitors the presence of the power supply of the laptop. If there is a power cut or restoration it will intimate me over email. It will also application monitoring and controlling over email (Basically to control my laptop from my office over email). I am done with email interfacing but I have no idea on how to monitor the power supply / battery supply from java.
If any can give some pointer on this it will be of great help.
Thanks in advance ....
You have probably already solved this problem but for the others - you can do it the way Adam Crume suggests, using an already written script battstat.bat for Windows XP and higher. Here is an example of the resulting function:
private Boolean runsOnBattery() {
try {
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c battstat.bat");
BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
String s;
while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
if (s.contains("mains power")) {
return false;
} else if (s.contains("Discharging")) {
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return false;
Or you can simplify the script to return directly True/False or whatever fits.