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Eclipse Error: 'Setting build path' has encountered error

I am using an API called jtwitter. It has a single jar file jtwitter.jar I have been working with it and maintained it using git. I hosted the code in github. For somedays, i have not touched its code. Today, when i cloned my git repo (actually my system got a crash some days back so I had to clone ) and loaded the project into eclipse. Now when i wanted to add the jtwitter.jar into the buildpath, the following error occurs.

I am giving the partial exception stack trace here D:\workspace\ltwitter\.classpath (Access is denied)
at Method)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.filesystem.local.LocalFile.openOutputStream(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.FileSystemResourceManager.write(

please help.


  • Make sure that the directory and file are still there, take a look at D:\workspace\ltwitter is a valid path, has a .classpath file and it is readable. Try opening .classpath in Notepad for a test of readability.