I am using Mercurial HG for versioning my projects. To keep my version-number in my build/compiled programs uptodate I am using this approach. I've modified the build.xml to override a predefined target.
<target name="-pre-compile">
<!-- getting the version in a fancy format -->
<exec executable="hg" outputproperty="version.mercurial">
<arg value="parent"/>
<arg value="--template"/>
<arg value="{latesttag}.{rev}-{branch}-{node|short}"/>
<echo level="warning">Version ${version.mercurial}</echo>
<manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version.mercurial}"/>
** note hg.exe
is in my classpath.
To retrieve the version property I use the following code snippet in my mainclass
String version = Main.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
When I build my project and run it with this java -jar myproject.jar
the version number is correct and from that point everything is fine.
But when I run it in my IDE the version string ist null
, so the manifest file isn't read.
So this makes me thinking if this approach is valid or is there another, even a simpler way to keep the version number uptodate?
EDIT: Is there a more sophisticated way to include the version number into your program?
Consider using the output
attribute to Ant's <exec ..>
task to write a properties file instead. Then you can use the <properties file="...">
method to read it in Ant, and can load it like a normal properties file when running in your IDE.
Good for you for not using the KeywordsExtension for this. It's a horrible solution in a DVCS world.