I've installed emacs 24.3, and I would like to use a specific font (Meslo LG M DZ), but when I launch emacs, I have the message "Font `Meslo LG M DZ' is not defined". What is strange, is that when I downgrade emacs version from 24 to 23, using the same configuration file, I can use this font without any problem...
Here is how I declare Meslo in the configuration file :
(setq default-frame-alist
(width . 80)
(tool-bar-lines . 0)
=> (font . "Meslo LG M DZ") <=
(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
(unless (fboundp 'prog-mode) (defalias 'prog-mode 'fundamental-mode))
How can I solve this?
It was just a matter of compilation option... I didn't use "--without-xft", but I needed to explicitly put "--with-xft".