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Accepting EULA for a quiet install of EXE file

I am working on packaging up some installers for internal use. I have the uninstall working fine with a passive switch.

As for installation, the MSI's that do not have an EULA work perfectly with the passive switch showing progress.

The EXE's that contain an EULA are the problem.

I am trying to find a way to accept the EULA without user input - note I do not have access to changing the public properties of the EXE's to set the ACCEPTEULA=1

the base I am working with right now is...

start = new ProcessStartInfo();
start.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
start.CreateNoWindow = true;
start.Arguments = s.args; //curent argument /qn
start.FileName = tempDir + "/" + s.executable;
start.CreateNoWindow = true;

While this code works perfectly fine with the msi's it does not work with the exe's as they all contain EULAs.


  • When using an exe you need to preface /qn with /v making it:

    setup.exe /v/qn