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Hibernate Criteria: distinct entities and then limit

I have a criteria that returns all data the application requires, basically:

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Client.class);
criteria.createAlias("address", "address");
List<Client> clients = criteria.list();

The problem is that the relation client / address is bidirectional: on client has one address and one address may belong to more than one client.

I want to retrieve "single" client objects based on their pk of course, some number of clients as they are displayed in a table.

Because the setFirstResult/setMaxResults are executed first I am getting duplicated clients within the already applied limits. After (application level as not group by was used) hibernate gets rids of the duplicate clients so I end up with less clients that the maximum specified in the setMaxResults.

Cannot group by (projection group) as it won't return all columns required in client/addresses, only the group the query is grouping by.

(To sum up, My table has 100 results per page but after discarding duplicates I have 98 results instead of 100...) that is because the limit : LIMIT 0,100 is applied BEFORE hibernate groups when it should be performed AFTER)


  • As it is pointed out in the thread linked by "Ashish Thukral" next line solves this:

    criteria.setFetchMode("address.clients", FetchMode.SELECT);

    It prevents the join that causes the problem to be made.

    Of course, it is possible to remove fetch="join" from the xml configuration file but this solution does not affect other places where the beans may be being retrieved.