I'm busy writing a BHO(Browser Helper Object) in C# and I need to attach events handlers to all onclick events on Input Elements. I'm NOT using the built in webbrowser provided by visual studio, instead I am launching a new instance of the Internet Explorer installed on the clients PC. The problem comes in when using different versions of IE.
In IE7 and IE8 I can do it like this:
public void attachEventHandler(HTMLDocument doc)
IHTMLElementCollection els = doc.all;
foreach (IHTMLElement el in els)
if(el.tagName == "INPUT")
HTMLInputElementClass inputElement = el as HTMLInputElementClass;
if (inputElement.IHTMLInputElement_type != "text" && InputElement.IHTMLInputElement_type != "password")
inputElement.HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event_onclick += new HTMLButtonElementEvents_onclickEventHandler(buttonElement_HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event_onclick);
That works perfectly, the thing is, IE6 throws an error when casting to HTMLInputElementClass, so you are forced to cast to DispHTMLInputElement:
public void attachEventHandler(HTMLDocument doc)
IHTMLElementCollection els = doc.all;
foreach (IHTMLElement el in els)
if(el.tagName == "INPUT")
DispHTMLInputElement inputElement = el as DispHTMLInputElement;
if (inputElement.type != "text" && inputElement.type != "password")
//attach onclick event handler here
The problem is, I cant seem to find a way to attach the event to the DispHTMLInputElement object. Any ideas?
So it turns out that once you have cast from a System_ComObject to a DispHTMLInputElement object you can interact with the mshtml.[events] interface. So the code to add an event handler for IE6 will be:
public void attachEventHandler(HTMLDocument doc)
IHTMLElementCollection els = doc.all;
foreach (IHTMLElement el in els)
if(el.tagName == "INPUT")
DispHTMLInputElement inputElement = el as DispHTMLInputElement;
if (inputElement.type != "text" && inputElement.type != "password")
HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event htmlButtonEvent = inputElement as HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event;
htmlButtonEvent.onclick += new HTMLButtonElementEvents_onclickEventHandler(buttonElement_HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event_onclick);
You can however interface directly into the event handler, but I wanted to exclude some types like passwaord and text fields, therefore I had to cast to DispHTMLInputElement first