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How do you create and edit tables etc in a PostreSQL database on heroku if I'm running Snow Leopard?

If I had Apple's Lion (or higher) OS, I would simply:

-follow heroku tutorial:

-install on my OS

-run "heroku pg:psql" (the above step is required for this command to work)

-and then just run the necessary SQL commands

The problem is that I am running Snow Leopard (upgrading is not an option at the moment for a number of reasons). (see: only works on Lion and Mountain Lion.

I haven't been able to find an alternative to Any ideas?

I did see this list of potential alternatives ( but I am unsure if they'll work.

Any guidance?

(if it means anything, I'm using node.js.)

Thanks :)


  • I just found the answer at:

    You seemingly just create a schema.js file which connects to the database as usual and includes all the necessary commands to create the desired tables and then just run that file using:

    "heroku run node schema.js"

    (Sorry. I'm very new to this stuff)