So here's my question, I'm not sure how to properly create record of a model that has a belongs to. I have 2 models.
App.Group = DS.Model.extend({
peeps: hasMany('people'),
App.People = DS.Model.extend({
group: belongsTo('group')
So in the app I can do it 2 ways
var group = someGroup; // this is a reference to an actual group record
var record = store.createRecord('people', { group: group});
And then the 'belongsTo' properly works throughout the app, but when I try and save the json sent back to the server is
{ 'people' : { 'group' : { //group values except id, since ember data
doesn't try and serialize the belongsTo record } } }
So then I don't have anyway of knowing which record the People record is supposed to be saved to.
OR I can create the record with the id
var group = someGroup; // this is a reference to an actual group record
var record = store.createRecord('people', { group: group.get('id')});
but then I can't use the record's belongTo properly anymore. It doesn't link up to anything, it's just a plain ol' id. Yet when I save I get { 'people' : {'group' : id } }.
Until I figure it out, I've added some terrible hackery
//weird hackary for a sec while I figure out ember data.
record.set('group', group.get('id'));{
record.set('group', group);
Any suggestions/ideas?
(as a side note, I might be seeing if I set the id, then save, it might reload based on the results from the server and then hookup the belongsTo, but that's assuming I save right after I create, which I don't want to have to assume)
Turns out I had the property defined twice in the model, one as a belongsTo
and one as an attr
App.People = DS.Model.extend({
group: DS.belongsTo('group')
group: DS.attr() <---- whoops
App.Group = DS.Model.extend({
peeps: DS.hasMany('people'),
App.People = DS.Model.extend({
group: DS.belongsTo('group')